Everyone has their own idea of what a beautiful cake looks like, possibly influenced by current wedding cake trends, or something that you've seen in a magazine, and if you want yours to be truly amazing and unique, then I can work with you to create the wedding cake of your dreams. One that will be talked about and compared against at every subsequent wedding your guests go to.
So whether you've got a scrapbook full of ideas, or are looking for inspiration, speak to us and we will be your guide, designer, architect and builder.
We also offer samples of our fantastic seasonal cake flavours as part of the consultation process. Choose your 5 favourite flavours for tasting and I will lovingly create and package them especially for you. Oh, and you get two of each to avoid squabbling!
Consulation and samples costs £30 and is deductible from the final cost of your wedding cake and the samples can be delivered locally or posted out to you!
Flavours can be found on our 'seasonal flavours' page.
